So I went to a track meet last Saturday to take some pictures, and after going through eighty-something crappy ones, i came across this one. I really like the sand in this one. I don't know, it just has some kind of cool texture and pattern to it. I really like taking pictures, but I just have a hard time being creative with my angles and whatnot. But I guess the more I do this, the better I'll get. But back to this picture. Andy Shupe, the NWA Times photographer let me use his huge lens so I could get some of these sweet pictures. He's one of the coolest guys I know, and I look up to him and respect him more than almost anyone. He's a true, genuine person, and that's what I admire about him. You should talk to him sometime. It's worth speaking to a real person.
But on to my next subject of writing: college. Its been stressing me out so much these last few months, but I finally think I found out where God wants me to go; or I really hope this is where He wants me at. If its not, the next four years are gonna suck. But I have decided to attend the University of Central Arkansas. It's in Conway. It's really cool and I can get a lot of money from them. But to be honest, I'm terrified to leave Fayetteville. Its the first town I've lived in for more than a couple years, and I don't want to leave. I have awesome friends, and an even better church.
Leaving my church will be the hardest for me. Its the one place I can go to when my parents fail me (which happens too much), my friends fail me (which doesn't happen as much), or when I feel like I'm failing myself (a lot). I was on one of the boards of directors for this new student ministries building that costs 8 million dollars, and now I don't even get to use it. I'm pissed about that. I'm mad I invested so much time into this, and now I don't get to use it even for one day. I guess I'm being selfish, but I really don't care right now.
I really hope I make some really good friends at UCA, because that's the one thing that scares me most. I don't want to spend four years of my life mad that I didn't go to JBU or Arkansas, where I have friends I know attending. I know a whole 3 people at UCA. And I probably won't get to hang out with any of them. And I'm really scared I won't find a church I love as much as Central. I won't be able to deal with a small church. I need a big church. They just feel right for me. I think God speaks to me through big groups, so a 50 person congregation won't cut it. But I'm just gonna have to deal with it and let God handle this for me. But its so hard to do.